The Second Throne Holder, Pema Lhundrub Gyatso, was born in 1660 in a village called Seng- gang. He was fully ordained by his uncle Rigdzin Kunzang Sherab, who gave him the profound instructions and the teaching of the oral lineages such as the Direct Crossing of Spontaneous Presence (Lhendrup Thogyal), the pith instructions on (khra-khrid), Darkness Practice, Nature of Sound Practice, Dream Practice, the Practice of the Five Pure Lands, and enthroned him as the ultimate vajra master. The great Vidyadhara Rigdzin Kunzang Sherab entrusted him with the sky teaching (Namchö) and by commanding seven groups of dharma protectors, he was enthroned as his heir. After that, not only did he sustain the teaching, debating, composition, meditation and accomplishment practices in that monastery, but he also built a statue of the incomparable Buddha Shakyamuni as a representation of body; the translated words of Buddha Shakyamuni (kagyur) for the representation of speech; and the great painting scroll of Kanika for the representation of the mind. With all these activities he benefited the teachings and sentient beings greatly. As a supreme vinaya holder, he had thousands of learned disciples like Drubwang Pema Norbu who were fully ordained. Finally, in the year 1727 at the age of 68, he temporarily dissolves his bodily form into the expanse of dharmadhatu.